Mycoplasma genitalium is a bacterium that infects the mucous membranes of the urethra, cervix, throat and anus. Various symptoms of infection are known like urethritis (in men), discharge (both sexes), burning while urinating (both sexes), arthritis/reactive arthritis (mostly men), vaginal itching (women) as well as pain during intercourse (women).
Mycoplasma hominis is a fastidious microorganism causing systemic infections in the neonate and genital infections in the adult. It can also be the cause of serious extra-genital infections, mainly in immunosuppressed or predisposed subjects.
Sample Material
- Saliva
- Urine
- Swabs of epithelial cells
Detection Channels
- FAM (495 – 520 nm) for Internal Control (IC)
- HEX (535 – 554 nm) for Mycoplasma hominis DNA
- ROX (575 – 602 nm) for Mycoplasma genitalium DNA